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43 ‘Congrats on the New Baby’ Wishes for a Card or Text

#43 ‘Congrats on the New Baby’ Wishes for a Card or Text | 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Sincere and thoughtful words from friends and family can make all the difference in the world to new parents and grandparents. 

When deciding on a message to write in a card or send in a text, don’t skip on the genuine and positive. All of the assurances and wishes that come flooding in can only elevate their joy. 

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The excitement is already there, but support and hope offer encouragement and inspiration for their future.

Here are a few ideas for what you might do for some lucky new parents or parents-to-be.

‘Congrats on the New Baby Boy or Girl’ Messages

Text with example of how to wish someone congrats on their new baby

Whether you know someone having their first child or their fourth, we’ve come up with a few messages to help you in trying or happy situations. If there are any kind of medical or anxiety issues present, then try to stay positive for them all.

1. Welcome, little one!

It takes a community to raise a child. As such, this message works when you are trying to let the new parents know you’ll offer your support both to them as well as the new baby. This is especially important for new parents who have yet to experience the warmth of a community’s love.

2. Congratulations on the new little addition to your family!

Have your friends and loved ones been excited about growing their little family? If so, this card is the perfect way to say that you have been listening to their hopes and ambitions and support them with love.

3. We can’t wait to meet your new little one!

Here is a simple message for those who live out of town. Make sure to give the new parents some breathing room after the hospital stay and influx of visitors. Then, when you do finally get to meet the little one, the parents will have had some time to settle into the newest journey ahead.

4. We are so happy for you!

When using ‘we’ in any heartfelt message, it’s best to sign everyone’s names at the bottom of the card, and that includes the kids. Better yet, get the kids involved in trying to sign their own names. 

5. Sending wishes for health and happiness. Congratulations on your new little one.

If you’ve been privy to some health-related issues the new family is struggling with, go ahead and let them know you hear and see them.

This kind of message works for preemie babies, postpartum issues, as well as any other kind of medical situation. 

6. Congratulations to the new parents!

While this message seems a bit vague, or even like you’re leaving out the baby altogether, what it’s actually doing is focusing attention in an encouraging direction.

Simple, positive energy can be the best support structure when there are some intimate or sensitive things going on. 

7. The adventure has begun! Congratulations on the new little hiker.

Life’s adventures don’t end just because a baby is born!

So, if the new parents are planning to set sail across the world or backpack through Chile and Patagonia while ticking off their baby bucket list, send a card in support of their new little hiker, camper, or first mate. 

8. You’re going to be the best mom/dad/parents. Congratulations!

Some new parents look like deer in headlights, so it can be important to reassure them that all is well. Maybe you’ll want to include a coupon for free babysitting just in case.

» MORE: Online obituary that is 100% free. Honor a loved one beyond a newspaper. ‘Congrats on the New Baby’ Messages for Grandparents

Text with example of how to wish grandparents congrats on their new grandchild

For many grandparents, a new baby is the greatest joy of their lives. Instead of focusing their attention on the raising of children, they can spend all of their time loving them. Here are a couple of ways to send them your best wishes.

9. Congratulations on the newest member of the family!

This message will work well for new grandparents who you don’t know too well.

After all, just because you don’t know your neighbors or members of your religious group very well, that doesn’t mean that you can’t offer happy thoughts in their direction.

10. We wish you heartfelt congratulations on the wonderful and new addition to your family.

Alternatively, if you know the new grandparents well, there’s no need to be shy about adding a little verbal gushing to the message. Plus, if they are already a grandparent, you likely have the pictures to prove it.

11. Welcoming your first grandchild is such a special moment. We’ll watch your house for you while you’re gone!

If you grew up rural, then you completely understand how difficult it is to take long trips away from home to go visit a family that is far away.

Because of this, it’s important to have a good group of neighbors and friends who can offer to help new grandparents feel more relaxed about leaving for an extended period.

12. Children are a blessing. Congratulations!

Many grandparents see children as blessings from above. So, if your friends come from this background, then messages that acknowledge their beliefs are always welcome. Plus, you’re showing that you care about who they are and what they believe. 

13. Little feet make the biggest imprints on our hearts!

Nothing but love and happiness fill these congratulations. Here, the words will remind the new grandparents of their own child or children, and just how excited they were to meet them.

Plus, by mentioning those little feet, you can add some tangibility to the anticipation. You might even inspire them to cast baby shoes in bronze as a baby keepsake.

14. I bet you can’t wait to spoil them! 

Some grandparents have been dreaming of the day when they could give their grandkids the time and love they wish they would have had with their own kids. That’s just part of the reason why being a grandparent is so special. 

15. We can only imagine the new adventures that lay ahead! Congratulations to you both!

Grandparenting can be an adventure, especially if you know some really energetic grandparents.

So, this idea works for those who are super active and like to go biking, hiking, camping, or touring their little corner of the world, checking off items from their bucket list.

16. You’re going to be such wonderful grandparents! Sending heartfelt congratulations to you both! 

Messages like this will work if you know some about-to-be grandparents who have been chomping at the bit, eagerly awaiting the day when they get to hold their new and precious little grandchild.   

‘Congrats on the New Baby’ Messages for a Shower 

Text with example of how to wish someone congrats on their new baby at a shower

The baby may not be here yet, but the planning is well underway. If the new parents aren’t having a gender reveal until later or at all, just be sure to stay away from the pink and blue. 

17. Congratulations on your bun(s) in the oven!

Having twins is an exciting time! Two bottles, two cribs, two of everything! But you can get away with just one card at the shower.

18. May you experience a lifetime of happiness with your new bundle of joy!

Messages like this or similar help break the ice whether or not you know the parents-to-be well.

Essentially, when you’re invited to attend a gathering, but don’t know the right mix between sentimental and unaffected, then this sounds well-mannered and sincere.

19. Oh, boy!

This is such a cute, simple way of expressing joy for a mom or dad-to-be. All you need now is the perfect little outfit or toy. You can use this message if you are part of a work-related baby shower or something that feels a little like you’re filling obligations.

20. We couldn’t be happier for you!

For some, it’s difficult to sound sincere in your wishes when you’re not the overly mushy type.

Don’t worry, you’re not alone on this, which is why this message will work well, especially when courtesy is dictating the situation.

21. If our kids are anything like we once were, then we’re in trouble. 

Is your sibling about to have their first child? While you’re probably very happy for them, you may be secretly wishing you hadn’t been so tough on your parents. 

22. May your new baby bring you blessings and happiness. God Bless and Congratulations!

If your friend or loved one believes in a higher power, then it’s definitely okay to refer to that in their card. In fact, this may be a time when they are turning that direction more and more. 

23. We wish you a healthy baby and a quick delivery!

This message works if you are looking to address the birth of the child more than anything.

Maybe you or someone you know went through a tough delivery—this gives your message more depth of understanding.

24. You’re going to be a great mom! Congratulations.

Some moms are uncertain about motherhood up until the day they deliver their first child. If your friend or loved one has voiced some personal concerns or fears, then let them know how you see it differently.

25. We wish your little one a lifetime of health and happiness! 

Sending some assurances or a calming voice to a time where there are so many unknowns is a beautiful way to share your love with the new parents. The more people that do so, the less stress they may feel. 

New Baby Wishes for a Coworker

Most people wish their coworkers well by email after having a baby, but you can send a card, too.

26. Congratulations on your new bundle of joy! I know you and your partner will make wonderful parents!

This message keeps it professional if you don’t know your coworker well. 

27. Such fantastic news! Wishing you and your little one nothing but health and happiness. Congratulations!

If you’re close, you can celebrate with your coworker by sending this message in an e-card along with a gift certificate.

28. A heartfelt congratulations to your growing family. We wish you all the very best during this special time.

You might know that your coworker already has one or two kids, making this congratulatory wish friendly and appropriate.

29. Congratulations, and I can’t wait to see pictures of the newest member of your family!!

Some coworkers are happy to share stories and photos of their family, which lets them know they can share that with you.

30. Sending your whole family lots of love, and I hope you get at least some rest on maternity leave.

You have a reasonably close relationship if you know that your coworker needs some rest before they return to work.

31. We’re all so excited for your family. Everyone is sending you so much love and heartfelt congratulations on your child's birth.

This message works if you send one email (or card) from the whole team.

32. Best wishes to you and your family. We’re sure your baby will bring nothing but happiness to you all.

Send this wish if you have a more formal relationship with your coworkers.

33. You’re already an incredible person, so I am sure you will make an incredible mom. Congratulations, and I’m so happy for you both.

Although you might be their coworker, you can still offer a personal element in the wish without crossing any lines.

» MORE: Grief can be lonely. Create space for your community to share memories and tributes with a free online memorial from Cake. Spiritual or Religious New Baby Wishes

Look for religious new baby wishes you can write in cards, send online, or write in texts below.

34. You've received God's blessings again! How lucky you all are. May you cherish every moment and rejoice in His love.

Send this in a card to the happy couple welcoming their third or fourth child into their family.  

35. Your first child already brought so much joy into your life, and now you've been blessed with more happiness! Congratulations, and may God keep you all safe and healthy.

Write this message in a card or email for the couple who just welcomed their second child.

36. We pray that God keeps your family and your newest baby in good health.

Here’s a simple message that works for just about any way you want to send happy wishes, including a bouquet.

37. May God bless your two beautiful babies and big, growing family. We hope you are all happy and healthy.

Good friends might choose this message to send in a card when parents welcome a set of twins into the family.

38. God sent two blessings in one! Congratulations on your twin boys/twin girls/twin babies.

If you’re a fellow parishioner and you’re looking for something simple but heartfelt, send this little wish.

39. Your family is growing with another blessing from above! Congratulations to you both.

Send the perfect note to your neighbors with a sweet message and perhaps a gift card for diapers.

40. Darling little angels... Congratulations! Two more reasons and blessings for rejoicing.

If you know the couple well, you might use this message for the birth of twins as it shows a sense of emotional connection to the couple.

41. God sends miracles in pairs! Congratulations on your two little angels!

Here’s a quick message for any social media prompt.

Funny New Baby Wishes

Don’t slip up and say something stupid! When it comes to brand new babies, you should be sure of the health and wellness of both baby and mom before you go cracking jokes.

42. They say raising kids is like a walk in the park — but they lie. 

Here’s a good one from one parent that’s broken in, to those with no idea what’s coming.

43. Congratulations on having twins! It ain’t easy, but raising kids is nothing short of amazing!

Use this message if you want to be cute and funny without any sarcasm.

44. Get your sleep in while they’re still sleeping like angels. Because they’ll be sneaking out of the house, and you’ll be up all night waiting for them until they leave for college.

If you can get away with sounding a little saucy or disruptive, then do so.

45. Do you remember sleeping in? Champagne at brunch? I can’t either… Congratulations on your newest little one, and sending lots of love to you both. 

If you’ve been longtime friends, send this message with a bouquet of flowers.

46. I am so happy for you both, but you do realize that you now live with a little dictator, and you’ve no one to blame but yourselves, right? 

Only the best senses of humor can handle this comment, so use it cautiously.

47. Here foreward, every night is a rough night. But I am here anytime you need a break or a night out. Just remind me to give you my new number.

The oldest of friends will be able to share this new baby message without much ado. 

48. Do you remember living at home? You never did dishes or cleaned up after yourself, and you’d play loud music when I was trying to sleep? Babies are delayed payback. Congratulations.

Mom and dad—here’s your chance to send something sarcastic to your kid right after they welcome a bundle of joy. Just make sure their partner is in on the joke, too. 

49. Think of all the rules you’re gonna have to follow when making them up for your kids.

The dearest, oldest, and best of friends can say this with a straight face or write it on a card.

New Baby Wishes for a First Baby

When it comes to first babies—it’s a huge deal, so don’t forget to wish both parents and the baby well.

50. Congratulations to the two most deserving parents on the planet. We hope you are all doing well, and we can’t wait to meet your little one soon!!

Send this wish for that perfect couple—the one you know will undoubtedly succeed at being the best parents they can be.

51. Wishing you both so much happiness on the little bundle of joy! Congratulations and give them a kiss from me.

Here’s a perfect message if you’re a good friend from back home and can’t wait to meet the little one.

52. Congratulations to you both on your firstborn son! May his life be blessed with health, happiness, and prosperity.

As longtime family friends, you might feel inclined to send some well-wishes to that child who was more like a niece or nephew to you.

53. She’s finally here! Such happy congratulations to you and your growing family.

After you see the first post on social media, you can send a quick note like this one.

54. To the brand new mom and the brand new dad, may the little bundle of joy bring you endless happiness, lots of laughter, and complete your beautiful family.                                                                                                                                

Good, dear friends will be able to share this message and so many more to the newest parents.

55. Congratulations on becoming a mother – on becoming a father – and becoming parents to the most amazing little person on the planet. We’re so, so happy for you three and can’t wait to meet our grandchild.

Take note to mention both parents becoming mother and father, especially if you’re going to be grandparents to this new little bundle of joy.

56. Get ready! She is going to take you on the journey of a lifetime, and it’s all going to be absolutely amazing. Happiest of congratulations to you all.

As a dear girlfriend, maybe a best friend, you will want to send sweet messages to your BFF.

57. He’s here! You made the tiniest, cutest little human on the planet. And he’s absolutely perfect. Sending all three of you so much love!

Brand new aunts and uncles will find this message perfect for the occasion.

» MORE: An online memorial is a perfect ending to honor and celebrate someone's life. Create one for free. New Baby Wishes for a Second Baby

Looking for great ways to support friends and families having their second child? Take a few ideas from below to write on a card or post online.

58. Another beautiful addition to a lovely family—you all must be so happy and proud.

You’ve already met the first child, so what can you say that’s perfect for baby number two? Anything that’s just as gushing.

59. More babies equals more love, joy, sunshine, and laughter. (Just not more sleep!) Our most heartfelt congratulations to you all.

Friends with children already know what’s coming, so they can generally send funny warnings without sounding cruel or know-it-all.

60. Congratulations on the birth of your second baby! We’re sending happy wishes your way.

If you’re friends but not super close, you might stick to something bordering on the more formal side.

61. Your family is growing, and so are your hearts! Happy new baby wishes to you both.

Anytime aunts and uncles want to send some wishes to their niece and nephew, it’s a welcome and cherished card.

62. Yet another beautiful addition to your family! Such excellent news - congratulations from our family to yours.

Neighbors and friends of friends can use this message without sounding too intrusive but still super happy for the couple.

63. We're so happy to hear the news of your newest baby boy/girl! [Name] will make such a wonderful big brother/sister.

This message works well for situations where you’re meeting other parents through your children.

64. Why have one when you can have two! Congratulations on even more love and joy.

Choose a message about growing, giving, and loving for a kind, sweet way to send second baby love to good friends or neighbors. 

65. Another baby to love! Happy wishes to your growing family and for your newest bundle of joy!

Some parents want to have prominent families and having two kids is just the start.

New Baby Wishes for Twins

These messages are just the start because there’s so much more to say when parents welcome the joy of two babies into the world.

66. Oh, Boy! Oh, Girl! There are going to be some extra kisses and snuggles in your home now! Sending love from our family to yours.

Here’s a cute way to send a wish when your friends or loved ones have a girl and a boy.

67. How lovely that your family has grown by two! Congratulations to you both on such excellent news.

Post this online when the happy couple finally shares their news with their social network.

68. We heard the news that you have not one but two! Congratulations on your twins /twin girls /twin boys.

As first or second cousins, you might want to send off a card welcoming the newest members of the extended family. 

69. Happiness and blessings have been delivered twice, so twice the congratulations on your two tiny bundles!

Anytime you have a social and religious connection with the couple, send a message that conveys both ideas. 

70. To the proud parents of two beautiful bundles of joy! How wonderful that you have double the reason for happiness. Congratulations and love to you both.

Watching your niece and nephew grow up to become first-time parents is a joyous occasion. This message should suit the event along with some lovely little gifts.

71. Babies are always such good news, and now you have two fortunate pieces of news to share! Congratulations on your twins /twin girls/ twin boys.

Luck and fortune follow the birth of some little ones, so use this message when it aptly applies.

72. We're sending double the Happy Wishes to you and your family as you welcome two beautiful babies into your lives.

Good friends will want to send flowers to the happy couple and new baby—this message works well in that case.

73. Not one, but two! Double Congratulations on your twin boys/twin girls/baby twins!

Here’s a short, sweet, and lovely way to send happy wishes to the new parents on their little twin bundle of joy. 

It’s a Baby!

A new baby is an exciting time for the whole community. But knowing what to say or write in a card or text doesn’t come easily for everyone. Hopefully one or two of the suggestions from above have offered some positive guidance.  

If you're looking for more ideas, read our guide on baby quotes to share.

Post-planning tip: Not every big event in life is pleasant. If you are the executor for a deceased loved one, handling their unfinished business can be overwhelming without a way to organize your process. We have a post-loss checklist that will help you ensure that your loved one's family, estate, and other affairs are taken care of.






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